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The he or she peahen photo & video page!

The He/She Peacock!
Peahen (girl peacock) changes to peacock
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr. Peacock tells  & shows all about the Peahen (girl peacock) that turned into a peacock.

He or She Peacock #2
On the latest episode of a peacock minute, Mr.  Peacock shows his peahen changing her feathers into a male peacocks feathers.  This is the 5th time this has happened to one of his best peahen egg layer.  If you have any speculation, ideas, proof of what’s causing this, please leave a comment on our video. We will explore all idea submitted


After over 29 years of raising Peacocks/Peafowl, and having written two best selling self-published peacock books and peafowl newsletter in the world, (The Wacky World Of Peafowl books & Peafowl Report newsletter) Dennis Fett of Minden, Iowa, owner of & thought he had written and seen everything when it comes to peacocks/peafowl until December 1, 2001!

When doing daily chores in the India Blue pen that day, he noticed that one bird seemed to look different and was appearing darker in the face. On closer examination, this 14-year-old India blue peahen that was once his best egg layers was no longer looking like a peahen. (Female peacock)

Her feathers all over her body are now changing colors, looking much like a male peacock. In addition, she is now starting to grow several long beautiful tail feathers as seen on her male counterpart.

This oddity is very rare, as & has only received two reports of this oddity by way of their web site with 500-800 visitors daily over the last six years. & had received one other letter before the Internet days of this condition some 15 years ago. Research is now under way by Fett to learn more about this condition.

Post script

Now, almost one year later, a second peahen is also changing. This time it is a Black Shoulder peahen about the same age, 14 years old. This black shoulder peahen was first noticed on October 6, 2002 while doing chores for the evening. Up until now, our research had only India Blue peahens growing tail feathers but our theory being based on first hand experience is that any peahen can have a sex reversal of any color type.

This peahen has always been in captivity and never allowed to to be feral during her life. She was a very good layer and mother producing many peachicks.

We have also since found an additional feral India blue peahen to be starting a change over like the first India blue he/she. We will post new photos as well as new information on this page and full information in the Peafowl Report newsletter.

We are very interested in any ideas of why this is happening in all these peahens that we have reported. If you have any ideas or theories please e-mail us and we will entertain all ideas. We will publish any credible information that is provided!


On 1-29-02 10:00pm news, KMTV, the CBS affiliate in Omaha, Nebraska did a feature story on the he/she peacock. A copy of this feature may be available from KMTV by satellite or on tape. Call KMTV TV 402-592-3333. If your unable get a copy from KMTV, let us know and we may be able to provide you with a copy of the taped story.


Please be advised that the following photographs are copyrighted
by the Peacock Information Center and are only to be viewed by
the media and for research purposes. They may not be copied or
used without the permission of the Peacock Information Center.
We sell one time rights only and will provide better copies to
the media and researchers on request. Please e-mail us for

The five following photographs are of a 1987 peahen taken on 12-15-01 by owner Dennis Fett founder and owner of the Peacock Information Center, Minden, Iowa. This peahen was hatched out by Fett in 1987 and was a prolific layer until spring of 2001.

Photo # 1.


Photo #2

Photo # 3

Please note that peahen on right is a "normal" color peahen the same age. Also note that the head around the eyes is white in color not dark as peahen on left!


Photo # 4

Photo # 5 

This photo shows one eye feather with several small new ones growing at the time this photo was taken on 12-15-01. In addition, this peahen is growing long wispy feathers which are longer that a normal peahen.


Photo # 6

The following two photos were taken by Dennis Fett founder and owner of the Peacock Information Center, Minden, Iowa. on January 2, 2002

Photo # 7


The following three photos were taken by Dennis Fett founder and owner of the Peacock Information Center, Minden, Iowa. on January 12, 2002  

Photo # 7


  Photo #8

Photo #9 


If you would like to read the full details about the he/she peacock, the below issues of the Peafowl Report will supply you with all the information you need on the subject!

September/October 2002 Volume 12, Number 3

Lead Story: The He/She Peacock!

This special edition of the peafowl report devotes an entire issue to the sex reversals of three peahens. Learn all about how three normal peahens grew eye tail feathers normally seen on male peacocks! Find out how the most recent he/she is progressing through her change into normal male peacock colors! Can and will this happen to your peahens and is there any way to prevent this ? This is a must read for all peafowl owners!

Order the Peafowl Report now by mail using personal checks, cashiers checks, cash or money orders.


November/December 2002, Volume 12, Number 4

Lead Story: The He/She Peacock Continued!

This story is a continuation of newsletter 12-3 and the sex reversal of three India Blue peahens. This story includes an interesting twist of a sex reversal of a new Black Shoulder Peahen in it's first year of the change over from being a Peahen to a Peacock! Explore the new evidence of why this maybe happening more often in peahens and other animals in the world!

Order the Peafowl Report now by mail using personal checks, cashiers checks, cash or money orders.